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[IM2-IH] 오픽 대중교통 스크립트 Transportation 3콤보 쉬운 답변

오픽만수르M 2022. 4. 29. 01:19

오픽 대중교통 스크립트 공유드립니다. IM2, IM3, IH 등급 취득을 목표로 하는 내용입니다. 3콤보 문제에 쉬운 대답을 작성했습니다. 실제 이 내용보다 짧고 단순한 내용으로 IH를 취득했던 것을 조금 더 추가 작성했습니다.


오픽만수르 스크립트 자료를 처음 참고하신다면, 활용 방법을 먼저 읽어주십시오.


▷ [오픽 IM2, IM3, IH 차이] 스크립트 활용 방법



어렵지 않고 쉬운 영어로 딱 IH 등급 까지만을 목표로 하는 분들을 대상으로 하는 내용입니다.


굵은 검정색 : 자주 쓰기 좋은 쉬운 표현

주황색 : 문제에 대한 내용 이용하기

파란색 : 필러 사용

초록색 : 발화량 늘리는 잡담 (빠르게 말하고 넘기거나 말하지 않아도 됨)


□ 오픽 대중교통 스크립트

자주 출제되는 3콤보 문제를 대표로 작성했습니다.


1. [대중교통 설명 묘사]

Tell me about public transportation in your country. Which type of public transportation do you prefer to use. Why do you like that public transportation?



In Korea, there are many types of public transportation like in your country; bus, taxi, train, and whatever. For me, Among those kinds of public transportation, you know, I like taxis the most. Generally, taxi is everywhere. So It is definitely the most convenient public transportation, just in my opinion. Right. You know what? There is no Uber here in Korea, so... yeah, it's really sad the government resists Uber, I don't know why. So we use the KaKao Taxi app. We can call a taxi so easily on this app. Select a destination and push the call button. Then the taxi will arrive in front of you very soon. Sometimes I take a bus for some reason, but there are so many people always, you know, I don’t like crowds. So I'm trying to take a taxi as much as possible. And the taxi drivers are kind and make me fun. Of course, some are bad. I mean too much talker drivers. That's crazy.





2. [대중교통 변화 비교]

Transportation systems have been improved. Have there been any changes to transportation in your country since you were young? What are the changes between the past and the present?



I think... I would like to say... Smartphones have changed the transportation system in Korea. We can call a taxi on a smartphone nowadays. It is just so convenient. you know, as I told you, there is no Uber so we use the KaKao taxi app instead. whenever I need to take a taxi. I always use this app. If you use this app, you can call a cap so easy and you can pay taxi fares automatically on your smartphone. This is literally convenient. You don't need cash anymore. But in the past, when I wanted to call a taxi, I had to find a taxi on the street. and I needed cash to pay. It was terribly inconvenient. Now, thanks to smartphones, you know, the taxi system has become so convenient that more people use taxis. This is a real innovation. Isn't it?




3. [대중교통 과거 경험, 발생한 문제]

Sometimes riding the subway or bus can be uncomfortable. Have you ever had any problems while taking public transportation? What happened? How did you deal with it?     



Um… Actually... I have no idea... but um.. Come to think of it. I remember this, It was about 3 years ago, before the coronavirus appeared, oh I really miss that time. So, I went to my parents' house on 설날. Oh sorry, 설날 is Lunar new year's day in Korea. I took a bus because I had no car at that time. You know, there were so many people on the bus and a lot of cars on the highway. That was a terrible traffic jam. It was really really annoying. And the bus driver turned on the heater so the bus was too hot like a desert. Even it took more than 5 hours because of the traffic jam. You know, I really wanted to get off the bus and walk to my parent's house, but I couldn't. You know, after that, I decide to buy a car and I have a car now. So I drive to spend 설날 when there is no traffic jam. It is just like heaven. I think I should have bought a car earlier.




□ 오픽만수르 스크립트 다운로드 [클릭]

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 - Word 파일로 작성되어 전체 내용 수정이 가능합니다. 

 - 스크립트 파일은 내용이 업데이트 될 때마다 지속적으로 제공됩니다.


□ 참고하기 좋은 다른 스크립트

 ▷ [IM2-IH] 오픽 영화 문제 스크립트 5가지


 ▷ [IM2-IH] 오픽 공원 관련 스크립트 3가지


 ▷[오픽 스크립트 PDF][IM2-IH] 집 관련 질문 6가지 답변



□ 스크립트 내용 특징

 IM2, IM3, IH 등급을 취득하는 것을 목표로 한 내용입니다. 딱 IH를 받을 수 있는 수준입니다. 그래서 원어민스러운 표현과 문법은 부족할 수 있습니다. 그러나 오픽 역시 하나의 시험입니다. 목표 등급을 취득할 수준에서 무리하지 않고 편하게 따는 것이 전략이라고 생각합니다.


 IH의 경우 난이도 선택은 3, 4, 5, 6 모두 선택할 수 있습니다. 난이도 5, 6에서만 무조건 IH를 받는 것은 아닙니다. 난이도 3에서도 충분히 받을 수 있습니다. 가장 중요한 것은 유창성 입니다. 쉐도잉이나 많은 말하기 연습을 통해 영어 억양을 키우시면 IH는 생각보다 쉬운 등급이라고 느끼시게 될 것이라 장담합니다! 본 내용에 대해 의견이 있으시거나 질문이 있으신 분은 댓글로 작성 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.