오픽 공부/오픽 전략

[OPIc] 오픽 등급별 롤플레이 답변 예시 IL to AL

오픽만수르M 2021. 11. 25. 23:33

오픽 등급별 11번 롤플레이 예시 답변을 알려드립니다. 각 등급 답변 수준 파악에 도움 되는 내용입니다. 본인이 답변할 수 있는 수준과 비교해보세요. IL부터 AL까지 소개드립니다.




■ OPIc 롤플레이 11번 기출문제

 - 친구와의 영화 약속 관련 질문하기


I'd like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Your friend wants to watch a movie with you this weekend. Call your friend and ask a few questions about the movie that your friend wants to watch.


상황을 드리고 연기해주시길 바랍니다. 당신의 친구가 이번 주에 당신과 영화를 보고 싶어 합니다. 당신의 친구에게 전화하고 친구가 보고 싶어 하는 영화에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 하세요.



[AL 취득 답변] : 복잡한 질문, 부연설명

Hey, Song. You want to watch a movie with me, right? What was the movie title again? Oh okay, Eternals. I love this movie. I've heard that It's breaking box office records at the moment. And I'd like to ask you some questions about the movie.

So, could you briefly tell me what the movie is about? is it about heroes fighting against some villains?

Oh yeah, I like hero movies.

And... who stars in the movie? you know, I've heard that 마동석 stars in the movie, right?

Oh really, that's good. I'm a big fan of him.

Then, when should we meet? How about we meet an hour earlier so we can grab some coffee before the movie?

Ok, good. See you then.




[IH, IM3 취득 답변] : 복잡한 질문과 서론

Hey, Song. You want to watch a movie with me, right?. I wanted to watch some movies with you too.

So, I have some questions about the movie, can I ask? Thank you.

Can you tell me what movie do you want to watch? spiderman or something?

oh, Eternals. okay. 

So who stars in the movie? 

마동석? really? I'm a big fan of him!

when should we meet? how about tomorrow? 

Good, thank you See you tomorrow!



[IM1, IM2 취득 답변] : 간단한 질문과 반응

Hey, Song. You want to watch a movie with me.

So I have some questions to you.

what movie do you want to watch? 

Eternals? okay, that's good.

And who stars in the movie?

마동석? wow really?

when do you want to go? 

Tomorrow? Okay.

See you tomorrow then.



[IL 취득 답변]: 간단한 질문  구성

Hey, Song. You want to watch a movie with me.

So I have some questions.

What movie do you want to watch?

Why do you want to watch the movie?

When do you want to watch the movie?

Thank you, Song. See you later.



■ 답변 주의사항

 - 리얼한 대화처럼 연기할 것.

 - 기계적으로 외우지 않을 것.

 - IL, IM1 까지는 외우기만 해도 가능함

 - 최대한 독창적인 질문 하기.



오픽 11번 롤플레이에 대한 등급별 예시 답변을 알아보았습니다. 각자 목표 등급에 맞는 수준으로 연습하시기 바랍니다.